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New Here

If you're new to the area or just looking for a church home, we would love to have you drop in for a visit. Below is a quick review, but check out our other tabs for more in depth information.

We have a mixed congregation of men, women, elderly, teens and children seeking to grow spiritually and love God unconditionally. We do not have a dress code. You can wear jeans,      t-shirt, shorts, sandals, dresses, suits, etc. We just ask that what you wear is modest.

Here's what you will find at GrandView Christian Church.

  • We gather for worship at 10:00 a.m

  • If you do not feel comfortable worshiping with us indoors, we offer drive-in worship, where you can sit in your car and tune in your radio to our FM station and listen to the worship from the comfort of your car. 
  • We also have Facebook live, where you can tune in and watch live from your, car, home or wherever you may be.
  • The truth is, we would love to have you come inside and join us, unless you have a fever, cough or flu like symptoms, in which case we would ask that you stay home and watch Facebook live or sit outside in your car and listen to the message on the radio.
  • Our Sunday morning services begin with our Worship team leading us in a song, followed by weekly announcements.

  • Our worship service is upbeat and filled with instruments, guitars, drums, vocalist, etc., but we DO NOT have the type of music that you will need earplugs for.
  • We offer current contemporary style songs, along with older hymns and worship type music.
  • Following announcements, we sing three songs and enjoy a prayer and short devotion, given by one of the men in our congregation, and we corporately partake of communion.
  • Our communion is located at three different stations in the sanctuary (right front, left front and back center), you may choose whatever station is closest to where you are sitting. The juice is in the top cup and the bread is in the bottom cup. You will pick up a set of cups and take them back to your seat, where you can reflect and take the communion on your own time.
  • Following Communion, we have a prayer for the offering.
    A big orange bucket is available at the back of the sanctuary, where you can drop your offering in as you leave, but we do not pass the offering bags around.
  • We also offer text and on-line giving (see giving tab) and there are sheets with instructions available for how to use the easy and safe text giving.
  • Our pastor will share a message from the Bible, which we believe God uses to help guide our lives on a daily basis.
  • Following the sermon, our Praise team will lead us in one last song and prayer before we head out the door for our homes.